Friday, January 23, 2015

A-Z blogging challenge: A is for Anger

Hello everyone, and welcome to my first blog entry.  My name is Tom Atwood, and this blog is about my writing and primarily Dauntless, a novel about Kacey Alexander, a young woman trying to find her place in a magical world.  I'll primarily be discussing that series, but will occasionally pop up with other series I'm working on.

So, inspired by the amazing and talented Angie Grigaliunas, who I am a huge fan of and am in no way using her to try and get additional views on my own blog, I have decided to start the A to Z blogging challenge.  To give you a bit of background, The A to Z blogging challenge is a challenge where every week you take one word and describe it's significance in your story.  Considering I had to ask for help with the letter A, I am not confident in my ability to complete this blog, but I've watched enough episodes of Sesame Street to at least give it a valiant effort.  With that in mind, and this being my first blog of the challenge, we shall start with A, which is for Anger.

Anger is a major factor in Dauntless.  Anger leads to hate, hate leads to...what?  That's the wrong series?  Are you sure?  Well anyway, anger is a major driving force in Kacey's life.  Kacey lost her mother in a tragic accident, and Kacey blames herself for that accident.  The anger that she holds, directed at her mother and herself, has poisoned her psyche to the point where it has affected her personal relationships.  She dropped out of school, choosing instead to pursue an education online where she's isolated from any of her former peers, and views anyone outside of her two friends as an obstacle to be cast aside or plowed through.

More important than anger itself, however, is the triumph over it.  When you let anger consume you, like Kacey has, it rots you from the inside, and takes away so many opportunities for friendship and love.  Kacey overcoming the anger and the pain that she's balled up inside herself is one of the major journeys of the series, and represents what happens when we let anger over a slight, or an event, eat away at us.

So that's all for anger, join me next Friday when I search through the dictionary for a B word that I like (Not that B word!).  In the meantime, on monday I plan to do a monster spotlight, where I highlight the various supernatural creatures that exist in that world (We have wererhinos!) and on Wednesday where I will do a character or location spotlight.  Have a great day, and keep writing!

PS:  In case you were wondering, angie's blog is located at


  1. Very nice! Anger is a huge thing in my story as well. It is a great emotional journey. I love Kacey's triumph over the poison inside of her! =D And thanks for the plug haha!

  2. Congratulations on an excellent first post. Looking forward to more from you!
